Miyerkules, Setyembre 3, 2014

Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

To complete this tutorial, you will need the following stocks:
Metal Image
Ice 1
Ice 2

Step 1

Create a new document sized 860px * 1140px with black background, load the metal image into Photoshop and select a piece as shown below:
1 sel 500x439 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Copy and paste the selection over to our document, resize it to cover the canvas. Then apply the following Accented Edges filter to give it a special effect:
1 filter 500x320 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
and here is the effect so far:
1 after filter 500x653 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Use a soft eraser, remove the edges of this layer as shown below:
1 erase 500x669 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Add the following 3 adjustments layers on top:
Black and White
1 bw Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
1 lvs Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
1 curves Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
and here is the effect so far:
1 effect 500x665 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

Step 2

Load the model image into Photoshop and cut out the head area, paste it onto our document as shown below:
2 paste 500x664 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Apply the following Surface Blur settings to smooth out the skin a bit:
2 sur blur Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Use a soft eraser, erase the edges of  the face as shown below:
2 erase 500x507 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Add the following adjustment layers as clipping mask to this model layer:
Black and white
2 bw Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Layer mask on the black and white adjustment layer:
2 bw mask 500x548 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
2 lvs Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Layer mask on the levels adjustment layer:
2 lvs mask 500x373 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
2 curves Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
and here is the effect so far:
2 effect 500x508 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

Step 3

We will add some ice texture onto image. Load the ice 1 image into Photoshop and use the Lasso Tool to select a piece as shown below:
3 sel 500x326 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Copy and paste into the document, and set it as a clipping mask to the face layer:
3 paste 500x347 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Apply the following Crystallize filter to add some crystal effect into the ice texture:
3 cry 500x369 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Apply the following black and white adjustment to this ice layer:
3 bw Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Change the blending mode of this ice texture layer to “vivid light”:
3 vivid 500x400 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
and here is the effect so far:
3 effect 500x487 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

Step 4

Now let’s go to the fire image and select the fire with the quick selection tool as shown below:
4 sel Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
We can then copy the fire texture over and place it under the face layer, use the free transform tool to resize it to fit the shape of the face:
4 attach 2 500x255 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Add some fire texture over the head as well:
4 attach 500x252 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

Step 5

Now we want to give this photo some further surreal effect by adding some “Dark Energy” around the face. To do this, simply duplicate the fire texture layer once and apply the following black and white adjustment:
5 bw 500x549 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
and you will the fire texture changed into some black/grey lines, as shown below:
5 after bw 500x300 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
We can then duplicate this layer a few times, and attach them around the face:
5 dup 500x539 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

Step 6

We can further add some ice texture over the face. Load the “ice” 2 image (pick one from the pack) into Photoshop, and select a portion with the Lasso Tool as shown below:
6 sel 500x309 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
Copy and paste a few of those selections onto our document, change the layer blending mode to “screen” for those new ice layers and use the free tranform tool to adjust their shape as you see fit. Here is the effect so far:
6 attach 500x419 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

Step 7

We’re almost done! To fine-tune the effect, I added the following image adjustment layers on top of all previous layers:
Selective color
7 sel red Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
7 sel yellow Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
7 cyan Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
7 white Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
7 neutrals Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
7 blacks Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
7 curves Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures
And here is my final effect: (click to enlarge)
ice fire photo manip flatten 500x662 Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation by Mixing Ice and Fire Textures

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